Monday, December 28, 2009

5 year old, killed by reptiles

From the snowy Sweden I bring you some really hostile vermin to help you with the Christmas chocolate. Of course, you might not be celebrating Christmas, or gulping down an excess of chocolate (like I have), but I hope you accept this new creature anyway. I thought it was time for a smaller creature… so here it is, unwrapped and greasy; the Marajack.


TERRAIN: Any dark and damp
FOOD: Carnivore/Omnivore
SIZE: 1-2 feet tall (head)
NUMBERS: 1 to thousands

AGILITY: 11-15
(If stats of human ranges from 3 to 18)

SPEED: Running x 1,2 Swimming x 1
(Multiple is times human speed)

(Ranges from 0-100)

(If a human commoner has about 11 hit points)

(If Full Plate Armour is 10)

1 BITE: 1-4
4 CLAWS: 1-4
(If a Long Sword makes a damage of 1-8)

When standing, the Marajack will attack only with its front claws and mouth. In water, or when clinging to a victim, the creature will attack with all limbs if possible.

OILY JET: The Marajack has the ability to spurt out an oily substance through its hollow tongue. The consistency of the black substance can be controlled by the creature, and is used for many purposes. It can be shot out to temporarily blind a creature, or gushed out to make the ground slippery when chased. It is also used to spray down birds to hinder them from flying, and to make the Marajack slimy to reduce its chance of being caught. The double jet can reach up to 20 feet (6 meters) from the creature’s mouth, and a single creature can create quick puddles covering up to 10 x 10 feet (9 sq meters). It can use this ability two times a day, or four times a day when applied sparingly. If a player is hit (in the face) by a jet, he or she will be blinded for 1-4 rounds. If moving quickly through an area covered with the oily substance, a successful roll based on dexterity should be made to avoid falling.

The Marajack is a quick reptile that moves about with little support from its front legs. Descendants of a creature living only in the watery darkness of deep grottos, this reptile has transformed to survive basically anywhere. Like its ancestors though, it is drawn to water and prefers the dampness of the underground. Completely blind the Marajack has developed an incredible sense of smell. The forked tongue, which moves constantly in and out of its mouth, can even sense vibrations in the surrounding air. This ability is so finely tuned that the Marajack navigates in complete darkness just as well as any seeing creature would in the day. Typically these reptiles live in riverbank hollows and dark humid caves. Their favourite food is fish, a trait that has drawn them also into human settlements. In the long winters, when the inland waterways freeze, some move down along the rivers to discover the wealth of the human city.

Especially coastal towns are prone to these creatures, and when they come it is no less than a curse. As long as the sewers and catacombs are full of rats, and gulls are still there to compete for the fish, they will barely be noticed. But when the fishermen start guarding their haul more closely, and when the rats and sea-birds are gone, the Marajacks take to the streets for food. At night they will move up in great numbers and some bolder individuals even in the day. At such a point pets and young children should be carefully looked after. A Marajack female produces between 10 to 100 eggs in a year, depending on the abundance of space and food in the area. When times are good the young will be many and reach adulthood in a couple of months. A plentiful year followed by a bad one is bound to bring a lot of Marajacks to the surface.

A starving Marajack will eat almost anything and is highly aggressive. With tough bodies covered in hard slippery scales, these creatures are notoriously hard to catch and kill. Their main weakness is that they lack the soft and silent movement of the rat, and will produce an audible clatter when moving for example on cobbled streets. Though short they can jump really well and will usually find a way to upper floors and roofs if need be. Should a Marajack loose its tongue it will become totally disoriented and a very easy target, but otherwise it takes a lot of skill or cunning to defeat them. They do have some fear of fire and intense heat, but it will not stop these reptiles for more than a couple of minutes. Then the hissing noise of the creatures will recommence with even more fervour and the fire jumped through if need be.

© Copyright 2009 - Nicholas Cloister

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Magic on wings

I'm blasting out one more pretty fast here, thinking it will give me some time with my family, preparing for Christmas and all. Nothing more to say really, just hoping you like it. Now I'm off looking for the enigma of steel, again ;) More creature after the holidays!


CATEGORY: Magical creature
FOOD: Carnivore
AGGRESSION: Normal/Controlled
SIZE: 6’ 3” (head)

AGILITY: 12-15
CHARM: 13-18
(If stats of human ranges from 3 to 18)

SPEED: Flying (eagle x 2), Running x 1,5
(Multiple is times human speed)

(Ranges from 0-100)

(If a human commoner has about 11 hit points)

(If Full Plate Armour is 10)

2 TALONS: 2-5 (+frost)
2 TAILS: 1-6
1 BEAK: 1-4
(If a Long Sword makes a damage of 1-8)

The Nordjarimm primarily use magic when fighting, but when forced to physical combat they will try to stay airborne (out of range) and lash about with the long double tail. When on the ground or when facing other flying opponents it will also use its talons and beak, if currently unable to cast spells. See Powers for more info. (Swooping attacks can cause 1-4 extra damage)

FROST: The Nordjarimm can create frost magic instantly with its talons at any time, without using Magic Power. This is an innate ability that does 1-6 points extra damage whenever hitting with the talons.

MAGICAL COLD: Instead of attacking the Nordjarimm can cause a magical cold to spread through any firm surface (ground, stone, wood etc) over a circular area up to 50 feet (15 meters) from where it stands. This makes 1-4 points of damage every round to all in contact with the area of effect (unless immune to cold) for 1-10 rounds, which is the duration of the spell. This magic is also natural, can be repeated any number of times (no double effect), without reduction of Magic Points for the Nordjarimm.

FROST MISSILE: If not attacking any other way, the Nordjarimm can produce and throw two frost missiles with its tails. The missiles can travel up to 100 yards (ca 90 meters) and do 2-4 points of damage each. A hit-roll is required. Like the others above, this power is unlimited in use. (The chance of hitting is not numbered here, because of the great variety in rpg systems.)

The Nordjarimm is a magical creature. The origin of the species is clouded, but according to the Nordjarimm themselves; they were created by a powerful Mage a long time ago, in the mythic past of the world. How many of them still remain is uncertain, but only one hundred were originally created (if these creatures are to be believed). The Nordjarimm cannot die, unless slain. They need not feed, but do so anyway to stay alert, and to avoid the drowsiness that otherwise beset them. The creatures have no genitalia and lack the power of procreation. There are no young. All were created as adults, and all are untouched by aging. Very little differ in appearance between one Nordjarimm and another.

These creatures are highly intelligent and natural magicians. Every individual has a will and a personality of its own, but there is one goal that unites them – the quest for further magical power. Why the Nordjarimm searches ever for higher levels of magic is unclear, but some suggest they look for a means to reproduce. Whatever the reason, the Nordjarimm acts individually and will fight others of their species if necessary. The hunt for the arcane knowledge of magic is what drives them, and they will use many different methods to reach it.

It is not uncommon to find the Nordjarimm in the company of wizards, and other powerful beings of the world. Whatever gives them access, or hope of access, to new magic is part of their agenda. They are not in a hurry, and are masters of long-term scheming. This doesn’t necessarily make them false, or untrustworthy. Like master politicians they do not need to lie to get what they desire. Most Nordjarimm avoid killing and hurting the innocent. They do not however hesitate to remove wicked beings or other evil forces that come in their way.

All remaining Nordjarimm have lived for a very long time, and possess great knowledge of magic. The power to create frost and cold is theirs from the beginning, but they may know any number of spells, including the most powerful kinds. Exactly what spells any encountered Nordjarimm has mastered is up to the Game Master, but their long life-span and their magical nature should be taken into account.

The Nordjarimm can dwell and live anywhere, but prefer a base in the mountain peaks, above snow level, where they might have a cultivated cave, a small castle, or even a stronghold. The creature cares nothing for political power or dominion (as such) but is interested in protecting gathered scrolls, and magical items. Nor is it really interested in gold or treasure, but can hoard any kind of valuables to be used as bribes, or to purchase information/access. The Nordjarimm may gather followers and guards, and at times they might serve others for personal gain. They speak any number of languages and are well versed in the various cultures and societies of the world.

© Copyright 2009 - Nicholas Cloister

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2nd creature is here... and swimming.

So, here is another one. Hopefully I can do yet one more before a short Christmas break. I see six followers here already. Welcome, guys! Help me to spread the word about this blog, and I shall feel even more enthusiastic about summoning these creatures… and as I said in the first post, all suggestions and comments are welcome!

I intend to stay focused on fantasy creatures, even if some might be usable in sci-fi or horror settings. Fantasy is what I primarily desire and all creatures that I post here are such as I‘d like to see in a fantasy game world of my own. When I was a game/dungeon master I made campaigns mainly for ‘AD&D’, ‘Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay’, the Swedish 'Drakar och Demoner’ and ‘Drakar och Demoner Expert’, but also a few adventures of ‘MERP’ and ‘Skyrealms of Jorune’ etc. Enough talk, here is a sea creature for you!


TERRAIN: Any salty or brackish water
FOOD: Omnivore
SIZE: 26 feet long (about 8 meters)

AGILITY: 15-24
CHARM: 2-5
(If stats of human ranges from 3 to 18)

SPEED: Swimming x 10, Crawling x 1
(Multiple is times human speed)

(Ranges from 0-100)

(If a human commoner has about 11 hit points)

(If Full Plate Armour is 10)

1 TAIL: 2-12
1 BITE: 2-6
2 FINS: 1-6
4 CLAWS: 1-6
(If a Long Sword makes a damage of 1-8)

The Mon’thoris will try to keep enemies off by using its powerful tail. Only when necessary will it fight with its fins, claws and teeth. The claws are normally used for cutting seaweed, opening great clams etc, and the mouth for eating, rather than fighting.

TELEPATHIC RAY: The Mon’thoris has the ability to invoke fear into an enemy, by using its telepathic abilities. If there is a spell called fear in your game, it could be used to determine this power. Otherwise it should lessen the player’s chance of succeeding with any attack or action against the Mon’thoris by 10%-30%, depending on the outcome of the saving throw against mental attacks or psychic powers. The effect lasts for as long as the creature is within the range of any sense perception. The telepathic power of the Mon’thoris can also be used to bring a great joy or delight to any intelligent being. This will increase by 20% the chance of succeeding in all throws that is dependent on confidence or morale.

The Mon’thoris is a rare creature that spends most of its life underwater, in the great seas of the world. It is intelligent and can communicate by telepathic suggestions and images, thus getting across simple messages like “come with me”, “stay where you are”, and “leave this place”. Normally it lives a very solitary life and mates only at a full solar eclipse. It can live for several centuries, and feeds mainly on fish and various types of seaweed.

Being a mammal the Mon’thoris breathes air and must surface regularly. It can hold its breath for up to an hour if need be, but will drown if trapped under water. They can crawl slowly across land, but will not leave the water unless in great peril. Male and female look essentially the same, and act alike when encountered. Usually the Mon’thoris will avoid contact with human beings, but at times they could become curious of those who venture into the depths. On rare occasions these creatures have been known to join forces with other intelligent powers of the sea. They would do a great job as guardian creatures, but are far too clever to be trained like dogs. Rather, they should be treated kindly, or a fierce foe is to be reckoned with.

The brain of the Mon’thoris is protected by hard bone, but is highly valuable to those who know how to treat it. Great potions of various effects can be produced from extracting the interiors of the Mon’thoris’s skull. The creature has the power of reading the mind of any intelligent being (no saving throw allowed), but it can only see long-term plans, dreams etc. It therefore has no use for this ability when fighting. Also, this water beast is sensitive to vibrations, warmth, and electrical fields in the surrounding water, so there is really no way of surprising it.

When inactive the Mon’thoris might rest near the surface hidden by seaweed, but the perfect place for this mammal to make its “home” is in a cave filled to the half with water – a great cave accessible only by the sea. When dying the Mon’thoris takes a deep breath and heads willingly towards the dark depths. They use no sounds for communication, but at this rare event they are said to sing, much like the whales of the old world.

© Copyright 2009 - Nicholas Cloister

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dharkhanian - RPG creatures launched.

Below is the first creature posted here, in this attempt to create a successful online bestiary. My intention is to keep producing new creatures at a regular rate, whenever I’m able to do so. These creatures can be used by anyone who feels inclined to include them in their role-playing game campaign, and can be downloaded free of charge. Eventually there might be some ads on this blog, and some prints for sale, but the quality of these creatures will stay high, and personal use will remain free. Only if you wish to make use of these creatures in a commercial context do I require economic compensation. You then need to buy the rights to the desired creature concepts.

Creature statistics are game independent, and should be translated to fit the game into which it is incorporated. What you see now is a start. All suggestions about changes to the basic outline of creature information are very welcome. Feel free to comment on (or rate) the current creature, and to recommend changes. All ideas are graciously received. Since I'm Swedish, notes on language errors are also expected. Hopefully, with time, this will develop to be one of the best sources for RPG creatures available online. I will do my best to keep producing a fine and variable bestiary. Right now I look forward to making all kinds of reptile, amphibian, bird, fish, insect, magical, ethereal, astral, devilish, divine, undead, elemental and all kinds of cool critters. Do you like creatures? Then make sure you follow this blog!


CATEGORY: Two-legged Mammal (Possibly demonic origins)
TERRAIN: Any dark woodland, preferably damp
FOOD: Carnivore
AGGRESSION: Normal/Very High (see description)
SIZE: 6’ 5” (195 cm)
NUMBERS: One or several groups of 1-10 male

AGILITY: 12-15
CHARM: 1-2
(If stats of human ranges from 3 to 18)

SPEED: Running x 1,5, Climbing x 3
(Multiple is times human speed)

(Ranges from 0-100)

(If a human commoner has about 11 hit points)

(If Full Plate Armour is 10)

2 CLAWED HANDS: 2-5 (+spec)
(If a Long Sword makes a damage of 1-8)

The Dharkanian should hit rather easily with its arms, and has a lesser chance of hitting with the deadly web projectile, unless the player is held (see below). Dharkhanians have two claws at the end of their powerful legs, but they never use these for fighting. The chance of hitting is not numbered here, because of the great variety in rpg systems.

BARBED HANDS: When it manages to hit and wound there is a 50% chance that the Dharkhanian’s hand sticks to the player. If so it will inflict another 2-4 points of damage every round it remains stuck. (If the game has rules for grabbing/wrestling etc these could be used here.) The Dharkhanian will try to get both its barbed hands attached to the player to make sure its web projectile hits the player in the chest or face point-blank. If the Dharkhanian manages to get both hands attached to the player the projectile will hit automatically with full damage. Player should make a roll based on strength to break loose, or attack to hit the Dharkhanian’s arm. A successful hit will make it let go of the player, temporarily.

SWOOPING ATTACK: The Dharkhanian has the ability to glide through the forest, if starting from a height, such as a tree or a cliff. In combat this can be used to get close to prey, and as an element of surprise. Add 1-4 points of damage to the claw attacks if they are combined with a swooping attack.

The Dharkhanian is a dark creature that lives in damp and murky forests, preferably up in and near large trees. Like spiders they have the ability to produce vast amounts of web at great speed. The web is shot out through a hole in their chest, quick enough if needs be, to be used as a projectile in combat. Normally the Dharkhanian generates great tangles of these webs to make for a chaotic and sticky mesh between the trees of the forest. The web itself is not a dead substance but alive. It can’t move about, but is able to quiver and curl up to some extent. It can also project sharp needles and does so when touched. When able it injects a potent chemical substance into the prey, which quickly changes its cell structure. The needles only do 1-2 points of damage, but any life-form infected by them will have its body odour changed for up to seven years. So even if able to break loose, the unfortunate one could be in some trouble. The special scent attracts the attention of the Dharkhanian who will hunt down whatsoever has made contact with their webs. From that moment it is considered food, and will be killed on sight. The Dharkhanian is only a moderately hostile creature, but becomes extremely aggressive towards all creatures that have been infected by its webs. It can sense this scent from up to fifteen miles away, and will trail it whenever detected. The special nasal tube on the Dharkhanian's head is sensitive enough to determine distance as well as direction. The creature hunts in groups of 3-10 males, and is known to spread out and to co-operate for tactical advantage. Once killed or captured a Dharkhanian does what spiders do and weaves a great jumble of webs around its prey, unless hungry, to save it for later. It doesn’t prepare its food in any way, but eats all kinds of meat untreated, alive as well as dead.

The Dharkhanian female is somewhat smaller in size, slightly less muscular and doesn’t take part in any killing, unless attacked, or defending the offspring. They reproduce at human speed but have two or three children at once more frequently. How the young are tended is unknown, but likely they stay well protected in the big, but disorderly web structures which the Dharkhanian makes for shelter high up in the trees. Dharkhanian have occasionally been found hanging upside down from the lower parts of these nests, but only does so when anticipating possible prey. Sleeping is done inside during daytime, while hunting and other activities take place at night, unless the webs are disturbed at other hours. The Dharkanian care nothing for treasures or material possessions, but usually dispose of skeletal remains (which may include outfits and gear) in a large hole, made especially for the purpose, and usually located in the vicinity of the nest.

This creature has a fearsome look and spreads a foul stench. It is suggested that it might originate from some darker plane of existence, but the biology is basically mammal, with some bird-like features. It has good eye-sight and perfect nocturnal vision. The many ear-holes located right behind its eyes provide good hearing. Usually it stays close to its home, but in times when food is scarce, it has been known to roam and explore. The Dharkhanian has no known language but communicates through series of nasal grunts or moans, as well as through flapping with the split upper lip. If left alone it lives to be about 50 years old, and it keeps up a good physique right up until the end. Dharkhanian nests can contain anything from a few families to hundreds of creatures. They have no culture to speak of, though simple items of use have been found. The webs have several uses, but are primarily utilized for hunting and marking the territory. They can spread out for miles from the main nest. The groups are typically controlled by a large and dominant male.

© Copyright 2009 - Nicholas Cloister