Here still be creatures, free to use (but not to publish) in any non-commercial campaign or setting of your choice. You find them in the Creature Archive in the lower left side-bar.
From September 17, 2012, the Bestiary has transformed into an information channel for, which is a 2.50 dollar/month creature subscription providing quality goods for Game Masters, Publishers, Artists, and Creature Fans. You'll find a link in the posts below.
I'm a freelance illustrator & concept artist living in Sweden. Above all, I love making creatures. This blog is my scene, so here is where you find my work. To see more of my illustrations and concepts go to
If you are interested in using any of these creature concepts commercially, on posters, CD covers, T-shirts, or in comics, films or games of any kind etc, please contact me through:
The current results of the mini survey I sent to Monsters By Email subscribers, (with 80% participation so far). My interpretation is that a great majority of customers are happy, which makes me happy, and that the number of subscribers may increase further with time.