Thursday, July 23, 2015

New creatures - The Reinothar

This is the first creature created and added to my new Patreon project.
You can support it and give it speed

Patrons are given access to creature descriptions and rpg-friendly stats. Check it out!

Click to enlarge! 

Friday, July 17, 2015

A New Patreon Page

Yesterday I launched a new Patreon page, through which you may support my future creature making.

All new creatures I make outside of freelancing and commissions I will add to that page, and all patrons will receive descriptions and stats for them. It is a pledge per release set-up, which means you only support me when I actually deliver.

If you enjoy this bestiary blog, or really liked MonstersByEmail, you may want to join this.

Check out the page, and perhaps consider a small pledge.

Now let's make some new beasties!

/Thank you!